Thursday, July 16, 2009

Record Time

With our houses finished yesterday, our team broke Amor record time today to do slab on an extra house. Our students accomplished the slab in under an hour! Everyone is doing great and with all of our work finished, the team is relaxing for the rest of the day. We will head out tomorrow around 8am.

Parents: we'll have the students give you a call when we're a couple hours away. We appreciate all of your prayers throughout the week.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

End of a long day

As in previous years, our team has really out done themselves! We completed our houses a day and a half ahead of schedule! I'm really proud of our team. We left the work area and are relaxing back at the campsite for the evening. Tomorrow we will do some extra work by setting the slab for one house and doing the stucco of another house. God has been great in keeping everyone healthy and safe.

Doing Great and Ahead of Schedule

I know it's been awhile but the team has been incredibly busy the last couple days. We've been working hard and are actually ahead of schedule. We are supposed to finish the houses today. We've been stucco-ing all day and have to let that dry before we can finish. The team will help start another house tomorrow. It's really exciting to see all of the kids working so hard!

Everyone is safe, healthy, and having a great time! We haven't had any accidents but have eaten lots of delicious tacos. :) Thanks for all of your prayers.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We Made It!

We just arrived not too long ago into our campsite. Everyone is safe and doing well. We're about to go eat dinner! I'll keep you posted throughout the week.