Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doing Great and Ahead of Schedule

I know it's been awhile but the team has been incredibly busy the last couple days. We've been working hard and are actually ahead of schedule. We are supposed to finish the houses today. We've been stucco-ing all day and have to let that dry before we can finish. The team will help start another house tomorrow. It's really exciting to see all of the kids working so hard!

Everyone is safe, healthy, and having a great time! We haven't had any accidents but have eaten lots of delicious tacos. :) Thanks for all of your prayers.


  1. So glad to hear things are going so well! Ahead of schedule even...good for you guys! Keep up the good work. We'll keep you in our prayers.
    Doug and Debbie Smith

  2. You are all amazing! It is great to hear that you are pounding out those houses that will be HOMES for families that are in desparate need. God will bless you all for your giving of yourselves. I know this work has not been easy, glorious, or falshy in any way...But it is a sweet offering to your God and the families there. Your a blessing :)
    Keep it up!

    P.S. hugs to both my boys :)
