Sunday, July 12, 2009

We Made It!

We just arrived not too long ago into our campsite. Everyone is safe and doing well. We're about to go eat dinner! I'll keep you posted throughout the week.


  1. Praise him form whom all blessings flow...we love you all!

    Jeana Sears

  2. We're happy that you're all doing well. Break in those new work gloves and bless those who will receive the results of your efforts. Great job!

    Barry, Claudia, and Kellie

  3. This is a shout out to Allie and Anna and Brittany...I love you and I miss you tons!!
    Hi Zach and David! haha
    Be safe.
    Love ya!!!

  4. Hey Travis and gang - Just wanted to send a note to say we hope you had a great first day. We have been praying for you guys, right along with our prayers for the costa rica team. We will continue to pray for things to go well, weather to cooperate, good health for everyone, and God's blessings to flow from you guys to the people you are building for.
    Have a good sleep,
    Debbie and Doug Smith

  5. Hi Rebecca! Mom and I are very proud of you and pray daily for you. What a tremendous project to be working on. Greg says "hi" and prays everyday for your safety.

    Love you!

    Ken and Jane Kauffman
